Thursday, September 29, 2016

Payusan, Joy Marsha
Lapinid, Honey Grace
Yuzon, Welo

Ten Things We've Learned in Jumalon Butterfly Sanctuary and Art Gallery

1. There are more than a hundred of butterfly species that can be found here in Cebu.

2. A  species of butterfly is named after Prof. Jumalon and can only be found in Badian.

3. 56 species are present in Jumalon Garden.

4. Light can damage the color of preserved butterfly wings.

5. Most of the plants we considered as "weeds" in the farm are food plants for butterflies.

6. Some species of butterfly will die if transferred to another plant from their food plant.

7. There are species of butterfly that have distinct characteristics to protect themselves from predators just like the "dead leaf" butterfly.

8. The eggs of the butterfly will hatch within 2 to 3 days.

9. There are alphabet, grade and number butterflies as shown in the sanctuary.

10. Butterfly wings are used in lepidomosaic, an art of painting using butterfly wings in coloring a masterpiece by cutting and pasting it on the canvas.